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computers (10)

Limited Computing

People are always shocked to discover my main computer is from 2017 and is an i3-powered fanless desktop. Limits force me to focus on what's important.  Just the software and compute power I need to…

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Thought Experiment with Redox OS

In conversation with a Rust fanatic, we stumbled into the topic of operating systems. RedoxOS is an operating system written in Rust, from scratch. Everything is in rust, the core libraries, the kernel, the device…

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Phones, postmarketOS, and Possibility

OnePlus 6T I finally went through the steps to convert an old OnePlus 6T from a T-Mobile device to an international device. It’s been sitting in my future projects pile forever. Originally, I put LineageOS…

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Initial Thoughts on FIDO

If you're involved in computer security and authentication,you might know about the FIDO Alliance. If you haven't, you know about them now given the giant marketing push about the great cloud-controlled, passwordless future we have…

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Life with a ROCKPro64

Squirrel with pinecone

"What is the quietest, lowest power computer I can use every day?" With one question, it all went down the rabbit hole. Do I really need high powered, many cores with lots of RAM to…

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Programming Minimalism

I'm fundamentally a minimalist at heart. This carries through in my programming, aka coding. What's the simplest way to develop this code? I aim for the minimum dependencies in every project. I investigate which modules,…

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History Repeats: Apple M1 Thoughts

symbiotic relationship

By Henriok - Own work, CC0, In case you haven't heard in the last five minutes, Apple released their new macbooks based on Apple's own cpu, the M1. Here's a fine writeup as any.

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What makes BeOS and Haiku Unique A nice write-up on what's unique about BeOS/HaikuOS. Really makes me miss the simplicity of the BeBox and BeOS from nearly two decades ago. In playing with modern-day Haiku, it's still shockingly fast, responsive, and…

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Fascinating History of the Trackball I've been a trackball user since day one when graphical interfaces became all the rage with X windows and CDE. Thanks Canada.

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