The world awaits...

decentralized technology (6)

Passkeys v1.0 were never going to work

As predicted, if the standard and solution aren't fully open, it's just another product from some company. The author of the actual standard weighs in. A benefit of being involved in open source and standards…

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Possible Fediverse Futures

A federated universe of equals

As the world+dog is discovering Mastodon, I think about possible futures available to us to build a new "social" space on the Internet. What people are really discovering is the Fediverse. It's not one thing,…

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Time for a Personal Cloud

The Apple CSAM scanning highlights something many know but shrugged off, your data in the cloud is yours, and the providers. Unless you take strong measures to combat it, your data is yours and theirs.

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Fun with Tech: Solar Powered Websites

I've been reading Low Tech Magazine for the past few years. I'm interested in their deep research and thoroughness of the articles. I'm generally interested in seeing if the "modern way of life" is substantially…

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