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FreeBSD (7)

Limited Computing

People are always shocked to discover my main computer is from 2017 and is an i3-powered fanless desktop. Limits force me to focus on what's important.  Just the software and compute power I need to…

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Debugging a Problem of My Own Making

Or, how my love of IPv6 messed up my network for a year. My home network is mostly FreeBSD and IPv6-first. IPv6 first is actually what the specification mandates. I built a fully-functional IPv6-only network…

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Thirty Years of FreeBSD

On my long journey of computers with UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems, FreeBSD is the one constant over time. Today FreeBSD is celebrating 30 years. You can scroll through the 30 Year Timeline to get…

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OPNSense and One-to-One NAT

This is mostly a technical note to others struggling with One-to-One NAT on OPNsense. You want to setup public, routable IPs that map 1:1 to a private, non-routable IP. First, setup the Virtual IP on…

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When running freebsd-update tonight: "WARNING: FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p8 is approaching its End-of-Life date. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to a newer release within the next 2 months" Odd. 11.0 is the latest release.

When running freebsd-update tonight: "WARNING: FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p8 is approaching its End-of-Life date. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to a newer release within the next 2 months" Odd. 11.0 is the latest release. Original…

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