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opinions (5)

Passkeys v1.0 were never going to work

As predicted, if the standard and solution aren't fully open, it's just another product from some company. The author of the actual standard weighs in. A benefit of being involved in open source and standards…

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A Short Collection of Experiences

reaching for a book

Failing Facial Boarding Pass On a recent flight, I was coerced strongly encouraged to "use my face as my boarding pass". I was told "it is faster, more efficient, and they already have your photo…

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Prepaid > Postpaid

Pay as you wish

Over the years, more and more of the services I use daily are prepaid. What is prepaid? defines prepaid as, to pay or arrange to pay beforehand or before due: Basically, you pay for…

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Short Cybersecurity?

Genesis Invited to attend a seminar on cybersecurity investing, by a friend in the industry, I took it as a chance to listen to what is happening in my own industry. At the seminar, there…

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