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30 Days with Bing Ads

Roughly a month ago I received coupon in the mail for a trial of Bing Ads. I decided I'd see what I can learn about people who search for my name. I created a few…

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Strange Days gets closer to reality

I heard about this Machine to be Another in some airport newscast as I was walking through the terminal. In essence, two people swap virtual reality headsets and share stories from their firsthand perspective. The…

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More updated SSL tricks

Back on November 24th I updated SSL for an Apache server. As I'm playing around with lighttpd, I decided to do the same for it. Here's the configuration I came up with for a FreeBSD…

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Dealer Loaner Car Data Sharing

A short while ago, I was given a loaner car by the dealer. The car itself was nothing really special. However, when poking around the multi-purpose computer, I came across two things: - a navigation…

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