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Photos from Asteroids

Absolutely amazing what we're able to do in space these days. Hayabusa2 is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) project to land probes on an asteroid to study their composition in search for clues of…

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Pelicans of the Regatta

Pelicans in the bay during the regatta. [gallery ids="26172,26173,26174,26175,26176,26177,26178,26179,26180,26181" orderBy="rand" type="rectangular" link="file" orderby="rand"]

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Rolex Big Boat Regatta in SF Bay

The Rolex Big Boat Series is in town this weekend. Here are a few shots from the municipal pier at Aquatic Park Cove. The sailors had great weather today with a clear sky and steady wind…

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Japanese Zen at The Met

Spending a day at The Met away from the rain was great. Of the many galleries to visit, I always enjoy seeing art from the Japanese Heian and Edo periods. The art is always complex…

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