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DevPulseCon 2018

Enjoying DevPulseCon hosted by CodeChix at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. Great speech by @SarahCortes of Cloudflare on malware, darknet, and breaches.

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A Quiet Place

I read this article on the bus today,, talking about the history of searching for a quiet place. It reminded me of The Quiet Report and how I wish any review site had a category…

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National Museum of the Marine Corps

[gallery ids="25957,25956,25955,25954,25953,25952,25950,25951" type="rectangular" link="file"] A fun place to visit is the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Fascinating to learn the history of the "expeditionary force" and their worldwide involvement since the 19th century.

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A Trip to Udvar-Hazy

[gallery ids="25937,25938,25939,25940,25941,25942,25943,25944,25945,25946,25947" type="square" link="file" orderby="rand"] One of my favorite museums in the DC-area is the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. The history, the sheer enormity of it all, and the faith in the physics…

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