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photos (19)

Fleet Week and Deep Learning

TL;DR, photo album is available. I used deep learning to increase my productivity in publishing the images from Fleet Week airshow.  Fleet Week is in town. This year the weather cooperated and we had clear…

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Learning to Photograph Race Cars

Formula Continental at Sonoma Raceway

On a recent lark to the Sonoma Raceway to watch the SCCA Regionals, I brought along the Sony A6500 camera. I want to test out the limits of the camera, and in reality, my photography…

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Many shots from the old town of Jaffa. Archaeological evidence shows that the site of Jaffa was inhabited around 7500 BCE. Learn more about Jaffa. [gallery ids="28215,28214,28213,28212,28211,28210,28209,28208,28207,28206,28205,28204,28203,28202,28201,28200,28199,28197,28196,28195,28194,28192,28191,28189,28187,28186,28185,28183,28182,28180,28179,28178,28176,28175,28174,28172,28171,28169,28168,28166,28165,28164,28162,28161,28159,28158,28157,28155,28154,28152,28151,28149,28148,28146,28145,28144,28142,28141,28139,28138,28137,28135,28134,28133,28131,28130,28129,28127,28126,28124,28123,28121,28120,28119,28117,28116,28114,28113,28111,28110,28109,28107,28106,28104,28103,28101,28100" type="rectangular" link="file" orderby="rand"]

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Select Scenes from Singapore

I have a renewed love of street food, satay, and Singapore (and apparently words which begin with s). San Francisco has a hustle and bustle and busy-ness about itself. As does New York. It seems…

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