Recent Reading

- Who Controls the Internet? And should they? The same topic which got me interested in decentralized systems in the early 2000s is still very relevant today.
- The Rise Of User-Hostile Software. Why do I need an account and always on internet connection to drive an electric vehicle?
- How to Become an Intellectual in Silicon Valley. I'm surrounded by this and their followers all day long.
- The Value of Nothing: Capital versus Growth. Both incredibly interesting and depressing at once. We're in a global world now. I think this article is far more pessimistic than reality.
- Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition. Re-reading this as I spend more time writing code and handling massive datasets.
- The Epic of Gilgamesh by Benjamin Foster. Always interesting to read new translations with current research applied.
- The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner.
- The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas. Always exciting to use and develop on a new CPU architecture while it is being designed and developed.