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travel (91)

First Night in Dubai

[gallery ids="25932,25933,25934,25935" type="rectangular" link="file"] The view of the fountains at Burj Khalifa from dinner at The Lounge in Souk Al Bahar. Excellent food, excellent views and light shows.

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Past Trips of Your Rental Car

Or, What Can You Learn from Past Renters? Recently, I've had to rent cars. When I get into a car, after adjusting the mirrors and seats and such, I always check out what other bluetooth…

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Enjoying AAFS

Enjoying my first American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) meeting. Seattle is a bonus. [gallery ids="25889,25890" type="columns" link="file"]

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[gallery ids="25826,25827,25828,25829,25830,25831,25832" type="rectangular" orderby="rand"] Bienvenue à Montréal! It's a great city and great to be back after a long absence. Above are a few selected photos after wandering around in the snow for a bit.

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