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innovation (11)

Phones, postmarketOS, and Possibility

OnePlus 6T I finally went through the steps to convert an old OnePlus 6T from a T-Mobile device to an international device. It’s been sitting in my future projects pile forever. Originally, I put LineageOS…

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Smartphone Innovation Wanted

Rent-Seeking Smartphones are boring. Try to find a smartphone that isn't Android or iOS. Go ahead, try. Ok, so your searching skills are great and you find Sailfish OS. Try to buy a phone with…

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Plenty of Time to Read and Think

What I'm reading Study finds that owning a car is bad for your health, A natural experiment in health affects of car ownership. Stop Using Encrypted Email, An opinionated piece with which I…

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Singapore & San Francisco

On a flight to San Francisco from Singapore, curiosity started me wondering about the comparison and contrasts of the two cities. Granted, Singapore is also a nation-state, but I'll focus on the city aspect of…

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Centralization of the decentralized

Interesting research into the centralization of Mastodon as an example of a decentralized social network. A few highlights: Let’s Encrypt has been chosen as CA for more than 85% of the instances, likely because this…

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Short Cybersecurity?

Genesis Invited to attend a seminar on cybersecurity investing, by a friend in the industry, I took it as a chance to listen to what is happening in my own industry. At the seminar, there…

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Celebrating Emerge's 40th anniversary!

We're celebrating Emerge's 40th anniversary as the nation's first abuser education program! As the first program in the nation, Emerge created the template for abuser accountability. Our work has never been more relevant and necessary.

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