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Joining the Board of Directors of Emerge

I'm humbled and honored to be elected to the Board of Emerge. I'm joining such dedicated people as David Adams, Susan Cayouette, Barry Nolan, Sarah Cortes, Norah Wylie, Albert Pless, Ester Serra Luque, Carol Thompson,…

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Disposable Heroes of Bicycle Commuting

It's 1°C, sleeting, windy, and there's 20 km to ride to work. Awesome. Let's go. About 20 minutes into the ride, Metallica's Disposable Heroes crept into my mind for no apparent reason. [youtube] Maybe,…

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Monet, Antibes, and I

There's so much to say about the French Riviera, but let's just start with an interlude crossing Monet, Antibes, and a short visit. Here's the Monet painting of old Antibes, Afternoon Effect as hanging in…

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Abusers, Technology, and Akido

Akido of Abuse Akido is a martial art of momentum. You use your opponent's attack against them and redirect their energy into a defense of yourself. It's also a difficult and valuable skill to learn…

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