The world awaits...


800 miles

800 mile trip today. Saw a random set of people standing over bridges on I-84 wrapped in American flags, fists raised, with banners hanging "never forget". My F-350 averaged 14.8 mpg towing the race car,…

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When talking to kids today, they all talk about some near-term future of having lots of money, lots of things, and a big place somewhere in their country. Why does no one dream about leaving…

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I sometimes wonder if the multiverse does exist, how am I doing in other slices of the universe? Is it possible to switch? If so, have I been switched? originally published at

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As seen on a Verizon bill

> When you pay by check, you authorize us either to use information from > your check to make a one-time electronic funds transfer from your > account or to process this transaction as a…

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Living without credit, mostly

At some point two years ago, I took a hard look at my financial state and decided to cull lots of 'needful things'. The biggest one was the credit cards. It took two years to…

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