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Speaking at CORE-IT on 24-30 March 2020

Are you interested in computer networking? internetworking? Do you want to know what actually happens on your wifi? What is this Wireshark thing? Join the Chappell University's CORE-IT Virtual conference from 24-30 March, CORE-IT…

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Fist Bump for Health

From A study by Mela and Whitsworth in the American Journal of Infection Control found that fist bumps transferred one-quarter as much bacteria as a moderate handshake and even less compared to a strong…

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Preparing for Pandemic

Back in university, I took an elective class in virology/immunology. The class setup was a bunch of graded lab work and a research paper. My paper was on the Herpes family of virii. While viruses…

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High Performance, Part Two

In further thoughts about high performance websites, I thought about expanding on my own experiences with my side-hobby on my domain, I'm not talking about this blog, yet. The blog is hosted on…

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