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travel (91)

Missing Experiences

Of course, I had no idea my December 2019 visit to Malaysia and Singapore would be the last trip for a while. The quietness and consistency of these days at home pass mostly in blissful…

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Readings on COVID-19

I take a longer term view on many things, this current COVID-19 is no different. Here are some sites to help learn and not succumb to emotions. By all means, admit your emotions and acknowledge…

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Big Creek Falls Hike

On Christmas Day, we went for a hike to Big Creek Falls in Yosemite. It's an old trail, not maintained anymore, but supposedly a great destination. We confirmed its existence with Tom Bopp who new…

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A New Thanksgiving Tradition

Growing up, Thanksgiving involved family, food, and repetition. Every year, the family would gather to make various kinds of pasta, "the gravy", and meatballs. We did this from scratch with flour, egg, water, grinding meat,…

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Welcome to the GDPR Internet

A recent trip to Prague gave me first hand experience with the full power of the GDPR when on the Internet. I've used a VPN to fake a presence in Europe in the past, however…

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E-bikes, entirely different mobility platform

These are not just bikes with motors, they are an entirely different mobility platform. — Read on I've been reading about Lloyd's conversion to e- bike advocate over the years. Having spent extended time…

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From the courtyard at the National Portrait Gallery. [gallery ids="29048,29049,29050,29051,29052,29053" type="rectangular" link="file" orderby="rand"]

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Many shots from the old town of Jaffa. Archaeological evidence shows that the site of Jaffa was inhabited around 7500 BCE. Learn more about Jaffa. [gallery ids="28215,28214,28213,28212,28211,28210,28209,28208,28207,28206,28205,28204,28203,28202,28201,28200,28199,28197,28196,28195,28194,28192,28191,28189,28187,28186,28185,28183,28182,28180,28179,28178,28176,28175,28174,28172,28171,28169,28168,28166,28165,28164,28162,28161,28159,28158,28157,28155,28154,28152,28151,28149,28148,28146,28145,28144,28142,28141,28139,28138,28137,28135,28134,28133,28131,28130,28129,28127,28126,28124,28123,28121,28120,28119,28117,28116,28114,28113,28111,28110,28109,28107,28106,28104,28103,28101,28100" type="rectangular" link="file" orderby="rand"]

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