Blog Stats Through 2023

This blog is generated by Publii, which is a pile of JavaScript around leveldb and SQLite databases. All of the content and everything that makes up the blog is in the SQLite database. In theory, it should be easy to get some stats out of the database.

I started writing a script in Julia to generate stats and pretty graphs, but then realized maybe some stochastic pigeon could help this post along with raw SQL queries. Four hours later, I have functional SQL queries that do what I want. In the four hours it took the pigeon to figure out functional SQL and SQLite specific SQL, I could've written everything myself. However, so be it. These stats are through 2023, which does not include this post. 

Blog Posts per Year

There are 885 posts from 1998-12-04T22:42:00 through 2023-12-08T07:15:20.731. Yes, we're getting very precise down to the milliseconds a post is created. In normal speak, 1998 to 2023. The SQL for this table is:

  strftime('%Y', datetime((created_at/1000), 'unixepoch')) AS year,
  COUNT(*) AS posts_per_year
FROM posts
GROUP BY year;
year	posts_per_year
1998	1
1999	12
2000	19
2010	1
2011	45
2013	1
2014	48
2015	18
2016	200
2017	240
2018	99
2019	69
2020	47
2021	24
2022	34
2023	19

The first thing I notice is I'm missing 2001 through 2010. There's one post in 2010, but seems odd I only posted once in 9 years. I think these missing years are when I migrated to a different domain.  Internet Archive Wayback Machine has them, I just have to figure out how to pull them out or find them in some archive. I'm sure an LLM/stochastic pigeon can figure it out pretty easily </sarcasm>. I do have the original posts in plaintext file format buried in archives. I'll figure out how to automate pulling apart the various tarballs and importing the content into Publii. It seems I switched domains, content systems, but kept my sanity in keeping everything in plaintext files throughout it all. 

Blog Posts per Month per Year

The SQL:

  strftime('%Y', datetime((created_at/1000), 'unixepoch')) AS year,
  strftime('%m', datetime((created_at/1000), 'unixepoch')) AS month,
  COUNT(*) AS posts_per_month
FROM posts
GROUP BY year, month;
year	month	posts_per_month
1998	12	1
1999	1	7
1999	2	3
1999	4	2
2000	3	1
2000	4	4
2000	5	1
2000	6	4
2000	9	8
2000	10	1
2010	3	1
2011	5	5
2011	6	6
2011	7	4
2011	8	6
2011	9	4
2011	10	5
2011	11	7
2011	12	8
2013	8	1
2014	1	5
2014	2	1
2014	3	7
2014	4	3
2014	5	4
2014	6	4
2014	7	3
2014	8	9
2014	9	4
2014	10	2
2014	11	5
2014	12	1
2015	1	3
2015	3	2
2015	4	4
2015	5	2
2015	6	3
2015	9	2
2015	11	1
2015	12	1
2016	1	1
2016	2	4
2016	3	1
2016	4	1
2016	5	28
2016	6	21
2016	7	18
2016	8	11
2016	9	22
2016	10	36
2016	11	29
2016	12	28
2017	1	21
2017	2	11
2017	3	17
2017	4	16
2017	5	40
2017	6	14
2017	7	35
2017	8	25
2017	9	15
2017	10	22
2017	11	10
2017	12	14
2018	1	13
2018	2	8
2018	3	4
2018	4	8
2018	5	5
2018	6	6
2018	7	6
2018	8	9
2018	9	8
2018	10	14
2018	11	8
2018	12	10
2019	1	6
2019	2	3
2019	3	5
2019	4	5
2019	5	6
2019	6	8
2019	7	6
2019	8	4
2019	9	9
2019	10	10
2019	11	2
2019	12	5
2020	1	6
2020	2	6
2020	3	6
2020	4	3
2020	5	4
2020	6	3
2020	7	4
2020	8	2
2020	9	2
2020	10	3
2020	11	3
2020	12	5
2021	1	3
2021	2	3
2021	3	1
2021	4	1
2021	6	2
2021	7	3
2021	8	2
2021	9	1
2021	10	4
2021	11	2
2021	12	2
2022	1	1
2022	2	1
2022	3	1
2022	4	3
2022	5	2
2022	6	5
2022	8	2
2022	9	6
2022	10	2
2022	11	5
2022	12	6
2023	1	1
2023	2	1
2023	3	2
2023	4	1
2023	5	1
2023	6	4
2023	7	2
2023	8	1
2023	9	2
2023	10	2
2023	12	2

Did I really post 40 times in a month in May of 2017?  Turns out I did because those are from my trial of Google Plus. For those reading this and not knowing what was Google Plus, Wikipedia has you covered. This blog has outlived so many corporate "social networks", "blog rings", etc. It'll probably outlive Google, Twitter/X, Facebook, etc. 

Average Words per Post per Year

The SQL:

  strftime('%Y', datetime(created_at/1000, 'unixepoch')) AS year,
  ROUND(AVG((LENGTH(text) - LENGTH(REPLACE(text, ' ', ''))) + 1)) AS avg_words_per_post
FROM posts
GROUP BY year;
  year	avg_words_per_post
1998	14.0
1999	419.0
2000	12673.0
2010	591.0
2011	250.0
2013	595.0
2014	407.0
2015	593.0
2016	162.0
2017	38.0
2018	165.0
2019	221.0
2020	525.0
2021	633.0
2022	972.0
2023	342.0

The year 2000 stands out as an outlier. Otherwise, it seems to ebb and flow with my free time. However, something stands out in the SQL to me. It's not really counting words, it's counting average length of text between spaces in the content. There are actual libraries to do this accurately, so I should re-work this to more accurately reflect what I wanted.

Average Number of Links per Post per Year

The SQL:

  strftime('%Y', datetime(created_at/1000, 'unixepoch')) AS year,
  ROUND(AVG((LENGTH(text) - LENGTH(REPLACE(text, 'http', ''))) / LENGTH('http'))) AS avg_links_per_post
FROM posts
GROUP BY year;
year	avg_links_per_post
1998	0.0
1999	7.0
2000	4.0
2010	11.0
2011	2.0
2013	6.0
2014	4.0
2015	6.0
2016	3.0
2017	2.0
2018	3.0
2019	3.0
2020	7.0
2021	9.0
2022	8.0
2023	4.0

The Google Plus years of short posting, which are generally 1 story or 1 image in a link drags down the average for those years. 

I have a few more personal projects to work on, and then I can re-run these SQL queries (and fix them in some cases) to better reflect on the past 25 years of the blog.