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hardware (20)

The Tale of a Slow Server

In casual conversation with a friend, we're talking about scaling companies and the fun and challenges of growth at small companies (less than 50 employees). When he says, "Hey, our main log server is getting…

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An Experiment on Returning to HTTP

Around a month ago, I left Cloudflare and went back to HTTP-only sites. Not HTTPS. I did it for my own reasons, mostly performance-related. This is a long, somewhat technical post on my musings about…

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A Tale of Two Google Phones

For the past two years, I've carried two Google phones, one for work, one for personal use. They are identical inside, just one is white and one is gold. Nexus 6P 128GB phones through Google…

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Random Apple Archives

[gallery ids="25816,25817,25818,25819,25820,25821,25822" type="rectangular" link="file" orderby="rand"] A random assortment of Apple things from my archives. My experience with Apple starts with the Apple IIe and IIgs. I had to learn to code in logo and BASIC…

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Dan Luu & Computer Input Lag

Interesting, I sometimes long for the performance of the BeBox. My memory is that it was incredibly fast and responsive no matter what you asked it to do. Of course, as Dan says, memory…

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Bike Share in Shanghai

On a random street in Shanghai, we came across a bike share parking stand. I'm curious about these bikes because I wonder about the longevity of the components. What is more reliable: mag wheels vs…

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