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Asset Classes

Every six months or so, I re-balance my retirement portfolio. It's not much, but I do it to keep each investment in correct proportion. One of the asset classes is a commodity. For the first…

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Mini Rant: KYC is Bullshit

are you kidding me?

For the past few months, a mini-rant is percolating in my mind about how KYC/AML is bullshit and how we're not punishing companies enough for leaking our data. Fundamentally, the cost bears to the individual…

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Smartphone Innovation Wanted

Rent-Seeking Smartphones are boring. Try to find a smartphone that isn't Android or iOS. Go ahead, try. Ok, so your searching skills are great and you find Sailfish OS. Try to buy a phone with…

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History Repeats: Apple M1 Thoughts

symbiotic relationship

By Henriok - Own work, CC0, In case you haven't heard in the last five minutes, Apple released their new macbooks based on Apple's own cpu, the M1. Here's a fine writeup as any.

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