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The 8 Petabyte Challenge

The Discovery Say you're at work and stumble across a file system with 8 petabytes of log files. How do you start to analyze the data? TL;DR: There is no answer. But we walk through…

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Missing Experiences

Of course, I had no idea my December 2019 visit to Malaysia and Singapore would be the last trip for a while. The quietness and consistency of these days at home pass mostly in blissful…

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How I Store Files in a Cloud

Background In discussions with someone about cloud security, they were surprised to learn I store anything in the cloud. It's convenient to have my files synced between machines. I use syncthing, resilio, and cloud drives.

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Prepaid > Postpaid

Pay as you wish

Over the years, more and more of the services I use daily are prepaid. What is prepaid? defines prepaid as, to pay or arrange to pay beforehand or before due: Basically, you pay for…

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