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Batu Caves பத்து மலை

Batu Caves (Tamil: பத்து மலை) is a limestone hill that has a series of caves and cave temples in Gombak, Selangor, Malaysia. It takes its name from the Sungai Batu (Stone River), which flows past…

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Select Scenes from Singapore

I have a renewed love of street food, satay, and Singapore (and apparently words which begin with s). San Francisco has a hustle and bustle and busy-ness about itself. As does New York. It seems…

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Using the Camera you have..a smartphone.

Increasingly, I find myself just using my smartphone for photography on trips. The combination of always having it on my person, advanced camera apps to better control the focus, lighting, and the geotagging to subtly…

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What makes BeOS and Haiku Unique A nice write-up on what's unique about BeOS/HaikuOS. Really makes me miss the simplicity of the BeBox and BeOS from nearly two decades ago. In playing with modern-day Haiku, it's still shockingly fast, responsive, and…

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