The world awaits...

internet (67)

History of

Many, many years ago I owned and ran Mostly it was created as a way to paste figlet output into code comments and other random stupidity happening on irc networks. Back in 1999, this…

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The Tale of a Slow Server

In casual conversation with a friend, we're talking about scaling companies and the fun and challenges of growth at small companies (less than 50 employees). When he says, "Hey, our main log server is getting…

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Useless Google Takeout

With the imminent demise of Google+, I figured now is the time to export my data and import original posts to this blog. Simple thought, complex implementation. It's trivially easy to find instructions on the…

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Announcing A few months ago, I setup a mastodon instance. Mostly to play around with it and mostly to see who is there. Basically, think of mastodon as twitter or instagram if everyone ran their…

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Silly bash shell scripts for APIs

Recently, I've been using various APIs from the bash shell. It's an exercise in response to, "can it be done?" There is no other point. These are loosely tested and probably insecure in various ways.

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